Any other scheduled meetings will be listed here as they are finalized.
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Open Houses
Open houses scheduled to review alternative maps as part of Forest Service Recreational Sport Shooting Management Plan
More information about the open houses was sent to the mailing list on Oct. 23. The open houses will be held at the following locations and times:
Clear Creek County
Nov. 2, 6-7:30 p.m.
Idaho Springs City Hall, 1711 Miner Street, Idaho SpringsGilpin County
Nov 6, 6:30-8 p.m.
Community Center, 250 Norton Drive, Black HawkBoulder County
Nov. 13, 6:30-8 p.m.
Boulder County Courthouse, Commissioners’ Hearing Room 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, BoulderLarimer County
Nov. 16, 6-7:30 p.m.
Larimer County Courthouse Offices 1st Floor Hearing Room, 200 West Oak, Fort Collins
The maps are also available for preview.
Forest Service Held Open Houses Concerning the Forest Plan Amendment Proposal
The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests hosted three open houses to answer questions and take comments on the proposal. These open houses were held in Nederland, Idaho Springs and Fort Collins at the following locations and times:
Monday, Aug. 31 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Nederland Community Center
760 Highway 72 North, Nederland, Colo.
Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Clear Creek Middle School (Clear Creek School District Administration Building)
320 Colo. Highway 103, Idaho Springs, Colo.
Wednesday, Sept. 2 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Canyon Lakes Ranger District
2150 Centre Avenue, Building E, Fort Collins, Colo.
Boulder County Holds Open Houses July/Aug. 2015
Identifying possible designated shooting areas is a key element of the strategy of the Northern Front Range Recreational Sports Shooting Management Partnership (Partnership). Boulder County held three open houses to discuss these issues and put forth three potential sites. The meetings were held in Nederland, Boulder and Allenspark.
The meetings were open house-style with multiple stations set up for interested citizens to obtain information and provide comments. There was no scheduled presentation, instead, a two-way conversation was encouraged between residents and staff members/leadership.
A table with information about the preliminary criteria that was used to select the areas was set up for attendees to view. There were also a stations displaying maps of possible designated shooting areas currently under consideration. For this first round of possibilities, the areas include:
- Ruby Gulch
- West Magnolia
- Allenspark Dump (analysis and public involvement has been completed and is pending a decision)
- Bunce School Road
- Beaver Reservoir Road
Residents could also view a map which shows all of the sites in relation to one another as an overview. In addition, the Boulder County Land Use Department had a station to explain the process for amending the Land Use Code to include considerations of the appropriate size of a site, setbacks from neighboring properties, and health and safety protections.
Comment cards were readily available for residents to complete.
Comments submitted via email as of Sept. 15, 2015.
Comments submitted in writing at the July 20/21, and Aug. 6, 2015 open houses.
Open houses were held in June/July 2013 in Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Larimer Counties. The purpose of the open houses was to update the public and share preliminary criteria to identify potential opportunities for developed shooting areas in each county. View maps presented at the open houses.

A Virtual Meeting was held April 13, 2015
Please visit the Virtual Meeting page to get all of the details about this meeting.